Article: Self-development at work: Here's how? — People Matters

The 7 Lessons That Must Be Taken Into Account

  4. Self-Development

    Another key again to success is self-development through learning and self-cultivation. In this case, learning comes from several sources, not only from school. You can learn from people you meet at work, in the market, or the world around you. You can learn from everyone and everything , by nurture and nature, by beggar and grassroots. You can learn from other people's success, as well as their failures. You can learn valuable lessons by examining the reasons someone failed. You can learn from nature and see why things happen. You can ever learn from animals how they communicate. You can learn from everything you like and you love. After you have observed something ad learned from it, you need to think about it critically. Learning is an important part of every single day and is continuous. You should and need to learn throughout your entire lives.
   In Khmer we said, 'Lean never end until we are old and died.' Learning is very momentous because it keep us evolving and moving forwards. Some people stop learning or developing themselves after graduation because they find a job or start a family. This is not a good concept and is not a behavior indicative of successful person. Learning is never ending process. You need to continue to learn, even after graduation, even after you completed you Master's Degree or PhD. Long life is learning.
    Aristotle said 'If you know everything, there's no need to lean.' This quote means no one knows everything, not even Aristotle, a greatest world philosopher. There is so much knowledge to learn in this world.  What we have learned and knows is just a tiny piece part of knowledge in this universe. If you do not continue to learn, you will step backward. Self-improvement is advantageous of self-development. Continuous learning is a great investment or improve your life and build up ability. Reading books and acquiring knowledge are great ways to accomplish self-improvement. Another positive effect of self-improvement is learning from your surroundings. You need to apply and share the knowledge you acquire through self-development to others. If you do not share your knowledge, it affects you badly in two ways. First, yo lost your knowledge that you learned because you do not share or use it regularly. You simply forget it, so it is important to discuss, teach and share will other people what you have know. Lean how to share. Second, it is important to share your knowledge with young generation before you kick the bucket. Be proactive and productive members of society through working on self-development . You can impact yourself, as well as, sharping the world around you. You are the person, person of success.

Next lesson 5. Dedication, Determination, and Perseverance